
MDR SOCaaS | Service Capabilities


MDR SOCaaS | Service Capabilities

OBRELA’s invests, trains and develops highly skilled security analysts who can ensure continuous security monitoring and provision of all necessary information and insights around a humanly verified incident, as well as guidelines/ recommendations on its handling.

Security Operations Center Cybersecurity

We work closely with clients to handle incidents efficiently and keep them informed throughout the resolution process, ensuring that their digital assets and organizations are safeguarded against cyber threats. SOCaaS provides clients with top-tier cyber threat defense, offering peace of mind and the ability to focus on their core business operations.

Security controls are in place to allow the operations team to remain functional and productive without exposing the essential details of incidents to the wider world. Indicatively and not exhaustively those include physical access controls, multi-factor authentication, secure networks, secure cloud-hosted security capabilities, real-time secure collaboration solutions, and, of course, strong encryption. The following service elements are covered:

  • 24x7x365 monitoring
  • Event Management
  • Reporting

Find out more by downloading the MDR Service Capabilities SOCaaS Datasheet.