Datasheet February 9, 2023

MRC Customer Services Management Datasheet

Datasheet February 9, 2023

MRC Customer Services Management Datasheet

MRC Customer Service Management ensures customers go beyond successful implementation to achieve their business objectives.  Customer Success Services facilitates
collaboration with experts across the service delivery and guides customers through a structured success program.

Customer Success Services builds on Obrela MRC Services offering by harnessing the cross-functional expertise needed to drive successful outcomes. Leveraging a guided success
planning methodology Obrela activates specific customer success playbooks to our customers to ensure they maximize the value from OBRELA services.

Customer Success Management

The Customer Success Manager servers as prime owner of the customer engagements and facilitates internal coordination to ensure excellent service delivery.

Customer Success Services brings together a team of Obrela experts who understand customers’ business needs and goals to provide holistic support and guidance throughout the Obrela journey, from planning, onboarding, and adoption to successful long-term engagement.

Through Customer Success Services, customers benefit from a trusted point of contact who knows their business and understands their use cases and goals.