Whitepaper March 6, 2024

Aligning SecOps with GRC to improve Security

Whitepaper March 6, 2024

Aligning SecOps with GRC to improve Security

Why and how organizations should align SecOps with governance, risk and compliance to improve security

GRC issues are coming high in many security organizations’ agendas and pose as a key priority for CISOs that need to adapt as the regulatory landscape and requirements keep evolving.

Cyberattacks threaten to undermine many organizations’ GRC strategies and outcomes, affecting their ability to function seamlessly avoiding regulatory, financial, operational, and reputational risk, while also getting in the way of creating a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and agility.

In fact, research from TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) establishes the importance of GRC in a prominent way. According to ESG data, organizations said that “improving GRC capabilities and programs” is their top priority in support of new and/or ongoing data initiatives.

However, many organizations continue to structure their operations in a suboptimal way by separating the GRC function and teams from the security operations (SecOps) roles.

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Why SecOps/GRC misalignment imperils security posture

GRC defines the overarching strategy and framework for an organization’s cybersecurity program, while SecOps executes this strategy through deployment and management of technical controls. This evident interdependency explains why organizations failing to integrate GRC and SecOps pay a big  price as they fall short in the security demands that require for swift alignment and efficiency.

Download this white paper to learn about the best practices to ensure a synchronized, integrated approach and how Obrela’s MRC can address SecOps/ GRC challenges.